What We Do

How can I help?

Do you need further information about the diagnosis your child received?

Have a long list of therapies and specialists and need help prioritizing or knowing what is covered by insurance?

Is there something that you wish you could solve at home?  Adaptations or just a behavior?

Drowning in the idea of 20+ hours of therapy and want someone who won’t benefit from you enrolling in their therapy to give you a clear explanation?

Want to explore early intervention, preschool services or school age services but feel like you need to go back to school to understand it?

Are you going through the adoption process and need help setting up supports for your future child?

Are you a neurodiverse parent struggling to make progress on the next steps for your child?

That’s where I come in.  I hold your hand from diagnosis to support. I want to make your life easier so you can focus on you and your family.  I will do the research and put the information in terms that can be understood all while teaching you the language.  I will provide you with everything I can so you can make the best decisions for your family.  

How am I different than others you have heard of?  I don’t want to go to the meetings with you.  I want to empower you.  I want to work myself out of a job, because what’s best for your family is not me making decisions for you- it’s me giving you the information and support to advocate for your child and help them grow.  Your child is yours forever and you have a stake in their future.  I want to be that person you call when you aren’t sure and just need an ear and extra knowledge.

So What Does This Look Like?

Well, it doesn’t fit into an easy formula because every family and every circumstance is different.

First, I offer a 15 minute $20 consultation. This is great if you have just a few quick questions, if you don’t think you need me for an hour or just want to see if we might be a good fit. If you prefer to give me details via email and then set up a longer session, we can do that instead.

Second, we ballpark how long it might take to help navigate your current situation. A small thing may just take one session. An ongoing search for different types of therapies, discussing how to help your child at home or just understanding the minute details of a diagnosis may take a few sessions.

Each session is $100 and includes: 45-50 minutes on phone or Zoom, 15 minutes of research before or after our call, follow-up resources based on your needs (information, resources, summary of plan). If you would like me to spend more time researching on your behalf, we can plan together for that.

If we need to touch base and meet for 3-4 sessions, I do offer a discount for purchasing a group of sessions. If we don’t need them or you would like to end early, I will refund you for unused sessions.

I do not feel like the cookie cutter approach works for families, so for now I prefer to work with you to determine what meets YOUR needs.

Let’s talk and see how I can help your family navigate this new terrain!

(Cancellation Policy, Payment Policy and Privacy Policy Coming Soon)

Professional Trainings

I am open to providing trainings to a number of different groups on an array of topics. Areas of expertise include: early developmental signs, how to bring developmental concerns to parents, sensory processing, Autism, overview of developmental disabilities, how to care for families experiencing hospitalizations/NICU/PICU, etc. Feel free to reach out to see if I am a good fit for a topic you may be interested in. Rates vary based on training needs, length of training and travel distance.